The Open Cave
A wealth of information on conservation efforts, geology and historical background, as well as insight to the diligence, persistence, and connectivity required of dedicated WVCC volunteers, landowners, and community to preserve our cave heritage can be found in our WVCC newsletters called The Open Cave.
The Open Cave, No. 19 – Summer 2012
- From the President (Carroll Bassett)
- Haynes Cave (Fred Grady)
- WVCC is in the Black (Bob Hoke)
- Update on Wild Cat Entrance to Culverson Creek (Bill Balfour)
- “Spelunking” Added to West Virginia’s Recreational Liability Law (John E. Pearson)
- Talk Back to Us (Alex Sproul)
The Open Cave, No. 18 – Summer 2010
- Return of the Great WVCC Fun-draisers (Jeff Bray)
- The Richard J. Bantel Cave Preserve (Bill Balfour)
- Local Landowner Receives Prestigious Recognition
The Open Cave, No. 17 – Spring 2010
- President’s Message (Frank Abbato)
- Lightners Management Committee Report (John E. Pearson)
- Maxwelton Sink Cave Preserve Update (Jeff Bray)
- 2009 WVCC Election Results
The Open Cave, No. 16 – Fall 2009
- What Lies Beneath – Touring a Cave (Tiffany Arnold, Herald Mail)
- Some Interesting Karst Facts (Bob Handley)
- Mayacon 2012: NSS Convention Logo Contest
- Maxwelton Sink Cave Preserve Update (Jeff Bray)
- It’s Election Time (Alex Sproul)
The Open Cave, No. 15 – Spring 2009
- Cave Bats and Caving Moratoriums (Bob Handley)
- Haynes Cave Clean-Up Trip (Pauline Apling)
- Election of WVCC Directors – You Can Help!
- Fuller Entrance to Culverson Creek System (Lois & Cliff Lindsay)
- Some Interesting Facts About WVCC Caves (Bob Handley)
The Open Cave, No. 14 – Summer 2008
- New President’s Message (Bob Handley)
- Donaldson Cave Clean-Up Trip (Pauline Apling)
- Island Ford Cave Clean-Up Trip (Marian McConnell)
- An Open and Shut Case (Ed Saugstad)
- Third National Cave & Karst Conservancies Forum
The Open Cave, No. 13 – Spring 2008
- New President’s Message (Bob Handley)
- Landowner Liability Issues (John E. Pearson)
- White Nose Syndrome (Meredith Hall Johnson)
- Donaldson Cave (Pauline Apling)
- Lightners Update (John E. Pearson)
- Rapps Cave Report (Bob Handley)
- WVCC Banquet Hits the ‘Broadway’ of Lewisburg (Jeff Bray)
- Persingers Update (John E. Pearson)
The Open Cave, No. 12 – Summer 2007
- New President’s Message (Bob Handley)
- The Inevitability of Change (Jeff Bray)
- Maxwelton Sink Cave Project Continuing (Jeff Bray)
- Island Ford Update (Alex Sproul)
- Lightners Cave Update (Meredith Hall Johnson)
- Have I Got a Deal for You! (Cliff Lindsay)
- Rapps Cave Gate Articles (Bob Handley) (Buddly Lane) (John E. Pearson)
- Thoughts on Cave Gating (Craig Hindman)
The Open Cave, No. 11 – Spring 2006
- Issue missing in archives
The Open Cave, No. 10 – Fall 2005
- WVCC Thanks its Outgoing Personnel (Jeff Bray)
- Rapps Cave Archeological Report (Bob Handley)
- Donaldson Cleanup Trip (Pauline Apling)
- WVCC Hosts Alien Invasion (Alex Sproul)
- President’s Letter to the Monongahela National Forest (Jeff Bray)
- Explanation of the President’s Letter (Bob Handley)
- WVCC Banquet (Ruth Williams)
- WVCC a Year in Pictures
The Open Cave, No. 9 – Spring 2005
- Markin’ Up the Place (Jeff Bray)
- This Cave is Protected by Video – Island Ford (Alex Sproul)
- Maxwelton Sink Cave – A Jewel in the Valley (Jeff Bray)
- Cavin’ to the Max – A Surveyor’s Viewpoint (Ed Saugstad)
The Open Cave, No. 8 – Summer 2004
- 2004 National Cave Conservancies Forum (John E. Pearson)
- Cleanup Day at the John Guilday Cave Preserve (Bob Hoke)
- Persinger Tree Planting Weekend (John E. Pearson)
- WVCC Lifetime Membership (Tim Brown)
- WVCC Enters into Memorandum of Understanding with the WVDNR (Jeff Bray)
- President’s Column (Jeff Bray)
The Open Cave, No. 7 – Winter 2003
- Donaldson Cave Gate Installed (Bob Hoke)
- Digging for Caves (William K. Jones & David C. Culver)
- New Informational Kiosk at Island Ford Cave (Alex Sproul)
- Searching for Maxwelton Sink Cave (Jeff Bray)
- President’s Column (Jeff Bray)
- 2001 National Cave & Karst Management Symposium – Co-sponsored by WVCC and the Northeastern Cave Conservancy
The Open Cave, No. 6 – Fall 2002
- Jeff Bray – New President of WVCC (Bob Handley)
- Patience and Persistence (Bob Handley)
- Persinger Entrance to Benedict Cave (Bob Handley)
- Searching for Maxwelton Sink Cave (Jeff Bray)
- More “Old-But-New” Cave in the Greenbrier Valley (Jeff Bray)
- New Board Member: Alex Sproul
- Committee Announcements & a Call for Volunteers
- WVCC Interactive Website (Charlie Williams)
The Open Cave, No. 5 – Spring 2002
- Island Ford Cave Preserve Committee First Meeting (Tim Brown)
- WVCC Heritage Society (Tim Brown)
- Lightners Entrance to McClung Cave Event (Tim Brown)
- WVCC at Cave & Karst Management Symposium (Jeff Bray)
- Growing Through Acquisition Problems & Solutions (Jeff Bray)
The Open Cave, No. 4 – Summer 2001
- Haynes Cave Managed by the WVCC (Jeff Bray)
- Umberger Sink Cleanup (Cliff Lindsay)
- WVCC Work Day at Haynes Cave (Jeff Bray)
- Rapps Cave Update (Bob Handley)
- WVCC’s First Annual Banquet
- McClung Cave
The Open Cave, No. 3 – Spring 2000
- Haynes Cave Managed by the WVCC (Jeff Bray)
- Umberger Sink Cleanup (Cliff Lindsay)
- WVCC Work Day at Haynes Cave (Jeff Bray)
- Rapps Cave Update (Bob Handley)
- WVCC’s First Annual Banquet
- McClung Cave
The Open Cave, No. 2 – Summer 1999
- WVCC Leases First Property (Bob Handley)
- WV Caves that Cavers Either Own or Manage (Bob Handley)
- Conservation Project (Dave Cowan)
- Organ Cave – Caver Access Policy (Bob Handley)
The Open Cave, No. 1 – Winter 1998
- WVCC and Greenville Saltpeter Cave (Cliff Lindsay)
- The Institute for Earth Education (Steve Van Matre)
- Maxwelton Sink Update (Jeff Bray)